Single Product

Advanced Class: AWS-Cloud Infrastructure


    1. Cloud & AWS – Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
    2. ❖ Managed and Self-Managed Infrastructures
    3. ❖ IaaS
    4. ❖ PaaS
    5. ❖ SaaS
    6. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
    7. Introduction to Amazon EC2
    8. Launch Our First EC2 Instance – Part 1
    9. Launch Our First EC2 Instance – Part 2
    10. How to use Putty (Windows Users Only)
    11. Security Groups
    12. EC2 Instance User Data.
    13. Summary of EC2 Section
    14. Amazon Machine Instance (AMI)
    15. Elastic IP (EIP)
    16. EBS
    17. Volumes
    18. Snapshots
    19. EFS
    20. Simple Storage Service (S3)
    21. S3 Essentials
    22. Creating S3 Buckets Using the Console and CLI
    23. S3 Storage Options and Types
    24. Create an S3 Website
    25. S3 Version Control
    26. Cross Region Replication
    27. S3 Lifecycle Management & Glacier
    28. S3 – Security, Snowball & S3 Summary
    29. Elastic Block Store (ELB)
    30. What is ELB and it’s uses
    31. ELB Policies and it’s benefits
    32. How to launch ELB with N nodes and other concepts on ELB
    33. Auto Scaling
    34. Launch Configurations
    35. Scaling Poicies
    36. Demo with Dynamic Scaling
    37. Integrate Autoscaling with ELB
    38. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    39. VPC Overview
    40. Building our own custom VPC
    41. Build a custom VPC – Part2
    42. Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • Access Control Llist (ACLs)
  1. Custom VPC’s
  2. VPC Clean up
  3. VPC Summary
  4. Identity Access Management (IAM)
  5. Introduction of IAM
  6. Users
  7. Groups
  8. Roles
  9. Policies
  • Permissions
  • AWS CLI Setup
